
Monday, March 2, 2015

Stop Multitasking

Many of us seem to always “multitasking” - claiming to accomplish more than one task at a time. In fact, one recent study claims that we are not actually doing more than one thing at a time. Rather, we are “task switching.” I am guilty of task switching myself; however, after reading this study, I have decided to make a serious effort to stop. It may seem like we are saving time, but research shows that the more we switch between tasks, the greater amount of time we actually lose during the switch. Moreover, if the tasks are complex like instant messaging while driving, task switching can be deadly.

As you read this right now, what else are you doing? Are you answering texts or some other distracting task? Try to take 30 minutes out of the day and focus on one thing. For example, try reading a good book without any other distractions. Try to shut out everything other than what you are reading. This is the only way to fully immerse yourself in the book and benefit from what you are reading. Read something that you want to read too!
Read more about task switching here.

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